Thursday 13 October 2011

The Got Talent Fever

It was a gloomy day for all of us. But the weather can't stop us. Everything was settled from the mechanical staff to the utilities needed. It was a blast!!! The talented participants show off their inner talents to show others what they can do. It was really fun to watch your schoolmates to enjoy performing and having fun while they're on stage. We all expect that it would be boring but we're so wrong. Funny performances came along the way and spice up the moment.
After the glory moments were over it's time clean the mess up! The organizers return the tables and chairs they used. They collect the garbage that audience have thrown. And that's kinda disappointing. They even have the guts to throw their trash. If this scenario keeps on happening then mother nature will be destroyed. The calamities we have faced will a lot more worse. Please be a steward of nature.

Friday 2 September 2011

Ice Caps are Melting,Cities are getting Bigger..! Problems are arising Solution is Conserving

Act Before it's too Late..Act Mature..Act For our nature.!

Carbons are hassle 
Aerosols are Problems

Do your part and nature will care you a lot

You can do better
And nature will reward you later

Save nature.Save yourself.Save your Life

(c) Abigail Saballe

Sunday 14 August 2011

Dear Diary,

Hmmm.. Friday is my favorite day, because there are three words in my mind during fridays, NO CLASSES TOMORROW, hehehe. When I got home, I noticed that all the lights are on, so I immediately turned the lights off, in that simple ways of mine, I already helped in my parents in lessening our electric bills. I went to my room and I saw the television on and Yeyyy!! There are imaginary viewers watching the show, but then I turned off the television and go to bed because I am feeling a little bit dizzy, turned off the lights and turned on the fan, preparing for the bed that I will sleep, so Goodnight.. :)

-Emmanuel Quijano ^_^

Dear Diary,

                                This day is not that warm so, I prefer to just go in our terrace to feel the cool wind that touches my body instead of using any energy-consuming cooling appliances but of course, before going out of our house, I assured that I turned off and already unplug all the unused energy-consuming appliances. It is cold yet the sun still shines so, we just hang our clothes in our clothesline instead of using  drier in drying our clothes.
                                I saved energy, save money and helped in saving OUR MOTHER EARTH!!! 

                                                              I <3 MOTHER EARTH

Saturday 6 August 2011

   Another week has been  passed on , but have you asked yourself how you help our nature within this week?

I just clean the area that is assigned to us, tiring but I know I help in my very little way. I also segregate the ways in our house hold. I just used my laptop about an hour for the reason that Test are  mountain to review so its a good thing I just consume less electricity. 
  Nature may stand alone but think we cant stand alone without nature? We have only one nature , one home its not a toy that we can buy anywhere nor a bubble gum that we can spit whenever it's  sweetness last. Wake-up and think ''Not me nor you nor they but We are the one that will help our nature to regain its beauty and natural balance''

Friday 5 August 2011


It was so cold these days so i did'nt use airconditioner instead I just used elecric fan. There are plenty of assignments so I used computer but after I finished all of it I already turned it off instead of playing angry birds and reviewed our lessons for the upcoming unit tests in Filipino and MAPEH.
            Energy conservation can make money. It is also a green iniative that we can all practice to save our valuable resources and be kinder to our environment.
           Trees can help shade exterior air-conditioning units: they'll use less energy. They also provide shade cooling and protect from drafts and winds. I choose the right appliances on the particular area.
I change ai conditioner filters are recommended. My mother used cold water for rinsing and most other washing cycles. She also clean the dryer lint filter before every load. She also hang dress clothing to air dry and also look better. I turned off the breaker to the hot water tank when going on vacation. Taking showerss more often than baths, they use half the energy a hot bath uses.

           When you cut trees, make sure that replace it with a new one

My LCD Journal

July 16,2011- July 17,2011
             This weekend probably is the most light weekend for my sophomore year. Only 1 quiz and a few homeworks. Yess! This weekend we practiced our role play in Values but then we realize that it is not allowed to practice at the SMNHS ground and also because we don't have a permit. So we walked from Main Gate to 3rd Gate. Its really tiring but we have to because it's expensive to take a ride and it's not earth-friendly. So we decided t take a long walk.
              I also fix my old stuff and seperate papers from plastics. Now, I have sufficient designs and paper to make my crafts eye-catchy and earth-friendly.

Thursday 21 July 2011

The Low-Carbon Diet Journal

             All of us should know that it is our business to conserve finite resources. So we should start to conserve energy and power now. With our own little ways we can lessen our electricity consumption, by simply turning off the lights and home appliances when not in use or unplugging them instead. As a student like us we can help to conserve energy by using our papers efficiently and wisely because in every paper we throw is equal to a tree hat is being slashed. And if we continue to waste them more and more trees are forced to be cut down. See how a piece of paper is affecting the environment? A simple crumpled, torn and burned paper is a big deal for the environment.
               Flash floods, landslides, and mud floods. These are only few of those calamities if we don't start to care for the condition of our nature. Then what's next end of the world? Think and act before it's too late. Again I will say the cliche thought, "Act now. It's now or never. The power is in your hands." 
               Remember: "Nature doesn't need us, we need nature."

Thursday 14 July 2011

The Magical World of Books

I felt the magical aura at the library when I first set my foot on the library floor. Knowing that everything will turn into something different and unusual. Library has so much to offer to students like us. We often neglect the use of this wonderful kingdom. But then we realize that books can take us to the different side of the world. Books are just waiting to unleash their leaf of pages. We should learn to appreciate the beauty and the values of reading! :)))

July 14,2011

Date:July 14,2011
Reading: 000mm
Temperature: 25-31C
Sunrise:5:33 AM
Sunset: 6:28 PM,ph

Wednesday 13 July 2011

July 12, 2011 (Tuesday)

Raingauge: 0.00 mm
Weather: Mixed clouds and sun

Humidity: 26-31 °C
Sunrise: 5:33 am
Sunset: 6: 28 pm

Tuesday 12 July 2011

Say "No!" to mining in Palawan!

I'm tired roaming around my Facebook and Twitter account last week so I ended up signing the petition against mining in Palawan. What kind of person in this world would be harsh enough to destroy one of the most breathtaking tourist spot not only in the Philippines but in the whole world?! Please be serious! It's the nature's beat creation around the world! Those wonderful caves that were carved a million years ago. Well, my point is LET'S STOP MINING IN PALAWAN. The power is in your hands. Sign the petition now!

Monday 11 July 2011

July 11, 2011

Date: July 11,2011
Reading: 000 mm
Weather: Haze
Temperature: 25-27'C
Sunrise: 5:33 AM
Sunset: 6:28 PM